In-Person & Virtual ADHD Therapy

Attention difficulties often appear as challenges to overcome, derailing your ability to find success in many facets of your life. When you seek a therapist who specializes in ADHD management, you’ll discover strength in your challenges and appreciate the unique advantages that come with your ADHD, including creativity, innovation, hyper focus, spontaneity, empathy, and many others.


our adhd services include:

explore our adhd services

First off, I want you to know you’re not alone, AND there’s nothing wrong with you. Your brain simply works differently. If you haven’t been taught how to work with it, you feel like you’re constantly working against it. 

I see this so often in my practice that my team and I have developed extensive offerings and therapy to help adults, teens and children manage ADHD. We will help you understand the ways your brain operates and give you organizational tools so you can optimize your cognitive nuances.

take a moment and a deep breath — 

Imagine how it would feel to stop second-guessing your way through life and start seeing your struggles as strengths.

Reframing your challenges into positive traits will allow you to find relief from the frustration, low self-esteem, and depression that often result from not knowing how to manage your ADHD.

ADHD Therapist in Maryland


Systems for managing all the things that need your attention like chores, finances, work obligations, and your kid's busy schedules

Time management tools to help you meet deadlines, use unstructured time effectively, and nip procrastination in the bud

The decision-making process so that you can take time to think it through and take intentional action

Strategies to define your goals and build a plan to achieve them

Being more present and attentive in your most important relationships

The support provided by our team of ADHD therapists and clinicians includes:

In our one-on-one therapy for adults, you will receive individualized attention and custom strategies to help you manage ADHD. 


An understanding of the ADHD brain, including strengths and opportunities for growth

Organizational strategies and tips

An examination of current time management struggles and brainstorming on how to prioritize and manage tasks and activities

Development of short and long-term goals and an analysis of current difficulties in meeting these goals

Development of self-care strategies and communication to support social/emotional challenges

Mental health consultation to support coordinated care and medication management if appropriate

Feel free to schedule a free consultation call with our team of ADHD therapists and clinicians so we can assess your needs in understanding and managing ADHD as an adult. 

Our individualized therapy helps you develop skills to manage common challenges for adults with ADHD. By building these skills, you can improve your relationships, work performance, and overall quality of life.

Discovering your strengths helps you harness your unique abilities and thrive in everyday life.

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We are here to help your child manage executive dysfunction while building and expanding on their strengths. Additionally, support is provided to parents in building capacity to manage their children’s as well as their own needs.

ADHD therapy for children includes:

There’s nothing harder than watching your child struggle and having no idea how to help them.


An understanding of the ADHD brain, including strengths and opportunities for growth

Organizational strategies and tips

An examination of current time management struggles and brainstorming on how to prioritize and manage tasks and activities

Development of short and long-term goals and an analysis of current difficulties in meeting these goals

Development of self-care strategies and communication to support social/emotional challenges

Mental health consultation to support coordinated care and medication management if appropriate

If your child is having trouble staying focused and completing tasks in the classroom or interacting with their peers, school can become a challenging place. Leaving these issues unaddressed can lead to low self-esteem, poor achievement, and risky behaviors. 

When Children Are Empowered To Manage Their ADHD, Their Self-Esteem Improves.

We can help your child understand how their brain works and develop the skills they need to thrive in school, at home, and in their relationships. 

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Along with learning the ins and outs of the ADHD brain, you will also receive guidance in:

Adolescence and early adulthood are times of transition. 

Time management (how to manage a schedule, short and long-term assignments, and studying)

How to organize your materials and tasks to prevent late or missed deadlines

Study strategies (what, when, where, and how to study in a way that works for you)

How to take and organize notes

Coping skills for sensory overload, stress management, and anxiety associated with ADHD

From the academic and social demands of the high school experience to leaving home for the first time to go to college or start a new job, this can be a challenging time for anyone. For those with ADHD, the right support can make all the difference. 

You Don’t Have To Be Alone On Your Journey With ADHD.

We are here and ready to help you and/or your child overcome obstacles, build new skills, and cast away self-judgment. Book a call with our team of ADHD therapists and clinicians to discuss the best course of action for your ADHD therapy.