Substance Abuse & Addiction Therapy

Are you tired from struggling with Addiction or Substance Abuse? Has your once recreational use become more like a daily maintenance program? Are you not a match for Traditional Treatment approaches? We offer an innovative multifaceted approach to RECOVERY. We offer the individualized tools and strategies to overcome the challenges and barriers to a life in RECOVERY. 

Recovery starts with action.
in-person & virtual recovery treatment & education

our substance use disorders services include:

Explore our substance use disorders services

Addiction can disrupt home life, work environments, school settings, and friendships. Using individuals can become more and more isolated. Willingness, Awareness, and Perspective are core principles in our approach to change. Failure is an opportunity to learn. Assessing daily habits and behaviors allow for the opportunity to create new practices through intentional change. There is no wrong door to Recovery. We are here to create your personalized recovery journey.

Willingness is the first step

Honesty, Willingness, Awareness and Perspective Shifting can provide you with the skills for a more authentic life. 

Our team of professionals has developed a pioneering concept in the world of Addiction & Recovery. Our belief is that there is no wrong path to recovery. We foster an environment of pure and intentional conversations about behaviors and personal goals.

Substance Use Treatment in Maryland

Addiction Recovery coaching includes:

Identify Willingness to make changes

Receive Validation for your journey

Establish a Behavior checklist to be challenged

Increase Awareness of Using Behaviors

Recognize barriers to personal recovery goals

Maintain self-acceptance

Clients will learn strategies to: 

Our individual coaching and substance abuse group therapy sessions are designed to support recovery behaviors.

The fundamentals of recovery are unlocking awareness and embracing change.

Shift perspective to remove shame and guilt

Create an Addiction Recovery network

Identify awareness of using behaviors while in recovery

Learn how to implement healthy daily routines

Engage in service work 

In individual substance abuse sessions, our Recovering Addiction Recovery Coaches will develop your unique recovery plan.

Substance abuse group sessions are offered twice weekly. They provide a supportive environment that allows for real conversations without judgement. Alumni and those with long term recovery participate to foster a spirit of service and commitment in our community.

Identify willingness

Identify simple solutions to manage everyday stressors

Develop overall acceptance of self

Discover your purpose and uncover hidden strengths. Transform pain into power with healthy behavior-focused Addiction Recovery.

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Addiction interventions may include the following: 

Are you worried about someone who is close to you? Do you need support having the hard conversations with someone caught in the grips of addiction? 

substance abuse Interventions

Assist clients in implementing treatment plan

Continued support in recovery education

Identify resources and provide clinical recommendations

We are able to create a therapeutic plan for change. 

Assess individual/ family needs

Are You Ready For Change? Let Us Unlock Your RECOVERY.

Schedule a free phone consultation with our team of clinicians and Recovering Addiction Recovery Coaches.

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Topics include:

We offer individual and group programming to support families through the addiction recovery process. 

The importance of not keeping substances in the home

Managing the inevitable changes through the recovery process

Engaging in appropriate parenting techniques when dealing with substance abuse

How to recognize the signs of relapse

Removing shame from the equation with a recovering person

Our Recovery program recognizes that true healing involves not just the individual but also their family. Our comprehensive family education program focuses on addictive behaviors and provides insight into what recovery truly looks like

Family Education Programs for addiction

Continued support and education for the recovering family

How the addiction can transfer to new behaviors

You Don’t Have To Be Alone On Your Journey With Substance Use.

We’re right here.